Christian Pisano in Berlin

Portrait des Yogalehrers Christian Pisano. Er schaut lächelnd in die Kamera. Er trägt ein blaues Shirt und eine braunrote Kette aus großen Kugeln, die aus Holz oder Blüten sein könnten.

“Our existential theatre is the opportunity to recognize ourselves as awareness, as consciousness. We can use rituals as reminder of the presence of awareness. In fact, this ritual– that is the ritual of yoga – can remind us of what we cannot forget which is the space of consciousness. I do not speak of the practice of yoga as a way to control the body, the senses, the breath, the mind but rather as a celebration of the field of consciousness that is the body, the mind, reality.”

(From: Virtual Coffee for Confined Yogis, 13 Nov 2020)

Workshop in englischer Sprache

3.10. – 5.10.2025 | Tanzfabrik Berlin
Workshop “The Field of Consciousness”
with Christian Pisano

We are delighted to welcome Christian Pisano to Berlin for the very first time.

This three-day workshop will be a unique opportunity for all advanced yoga practitioners und yoga teachers to work, practice, to learn and unlearn with one of the most exceptional Iyengar teachers in the world. The workshop invites participants to dive aspects of the field of consciousness with Vishranti, Upsana and Jathara Agni as well as through textual contemplation with Christian.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all in Berlin for this event!

The Field of Consciousness

“I always practise the three reminders. They are like lakes that cleanse the heart. First, I always remember that I am a form of infinite Consciousness. Then I always observe the glorious phenomenon of this universe as the expression of my own Consciousness. Most of all I keep the awareness that all the different states of Consciousness are my own self.”

Lalla (c. 720–790 CE), Indian mathematician, astronomer and astrologer

About Christian Pisano

Der Yogalehrer Christian Pisano sitzt im Schneidersitz auf dem Boden. Er lacht und hebt gestikulierend beide Arme. Man erkennt Yogautensilien an der holzgetäfelten Wand hinter ihm.

In his more than 35 years of teaching Iyengar Yoga, Christian Pisano has developed a way of unlearning and deconstructing what he has learned in order to bring the practice of yoga to another level of profundity. He favours spontaneous instruction at the heart of each asana as well as the recognition of a living pedagogy that is innate to us, but that we have often forgotten.

Christian spent several years in India to study with his master. At this time, he also studied philosophy and Sanskrit. His philosophical inclination has led him towards the non-dual approach of the Trika system, more commonly known as Kashmiri Shaivism.

Today, Christian Pisano teaches regularly in his yoga studio in Nice (France) and also travels frequently in Europe giving seminars and workshop. He is one of the very few people who have received an Advanced Senior Diploma from BKS Iyengar. He is the author of the books “The Contemplation of the Hero”, “The Desert of Thar” and “The Growl of the Bear”.

Schedule | Workshop


9:30–12:30: Practice of ease with the preliminaries (Upasana)
15:00–18:00: Ritual of quietness (Vishranti)


9:00–12:00: Practice of fluidity (Pravaha)
15:00–17:00: Ritual of quietness
17:30: Introduction to a text followed by questions without answers


9:30–12:30: Invoking the digestive fire (Jathara Agni)

Please note: A minimum of 4 years of regular Iyengar yoga practice is required. The workshop is not suited for beginners and should not be attended during pregnancy. Teaching language is English.

Terms and Conditions

€ 290,– per person (accommodation and board are not included)
Please register by completing the form:
Workshop with Christian Pisano | Tanzfabrik Berlin, 3.10. – 5.10.2025

I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of participation. I further agree that my data relating to this event may be stored for organizational purposes.

7 + 4 =

Once we have received your registration, we will send you an email, providing further information with terms/options of payment.
Please note that your place is only secure once we have received the registration form and your full payment.

Should you have to cancel your workshop place, please be aware of the following term:
In case of a cancellation more than 10 days before the event, you will receive a refund of the full course fee minus € 25 administration charge.
In case of a cancellation less than 10 days before, we are not able to refund any course fees unless a person on the waiting list can take your place or you can provide a substitute participant, meeting the requirements of the course.
Tanzfabrik Berlin, Möckernstr. 68, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg (instructions are provided)
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: info[at]